The demand for videos when offering our content to publications is higher than ever. Almost every publication uses videos to engage with their readers and highlight news on a daily basis.
So, if we want to be featured in these publications, we should join the trend and create videos – even if that’s not our main asset.
Here are some great tools that help us create quality videos, for free!
This tool lets you add your own text to your video. Free to join, you can add your text, full press release, or even simply link to your blog post. It uses your text and guesses images that are relevant. Once created, you can edit your text and choose different images. It’s simple but beautiful. And publications love it!
You can get rid off the Lumen5 credits at the end of the video if you pay for premium.
I use Pexels for free images, they now offer videos too – with no text. But, if you are, for example, sending out content about beach holiday – this would be a perfect little touch.
Video by Damon Hall
Another great tool that I use for photos, and now videos too. Also for free (but it’s nice to thank the creators of videos by buying them a coffee). It offers several videos covering almost any topic you can think of. Again, with no text.
Created by Coverr-Free-Footage
Notice that all videos from both Pixabay and Pexels are 30 seconds or shorter – brilliant!
These free tools are those I like and use very often. It doesn’t take long to find a relevant video, share it when pitching your content or at least offer it while mentioning what additional assets you have. Or, I also use it when following up with journalists – just the one more thing to mention.
It takes a few minutes but can make a huge difference in the number of pieces of coverage and links your campaign earns.