Knowing what topics publications are going to focus on is one of the things that will make your life much easier. And there is a simple way to gain this knowledge. Forward feature calendars! It’s not anything new. Collecting forward feature calendars is a traditional PR tactic. And a very good one!

However, it can be quite time-consuming. For that reason, I’ve collected some forward feature calendars from business publications (that publish them within their site). Here they are.

Forward Feature Calendars

These forward feature calendars should be relevant to all companies and agencies who can offer expert’s advice, comment or feature articles on topics that these publications will be covering. Below, you’ll find feature calendars from generic business press and some regional business publications.


Publication Forward feature Calendar
The Drum Drum’s forward feature calendar
BQ Live Digital Features
Business Insider Forward Feature Opportunities
Training Journal Feature Calendar 2018/2019
BusinessCloud Features Calendar Q4 2018
HRZone Features Calendar 2018
The HR Director Features Calendar 2018/2019
People Management Features Calendar 2018
Insurance Post Forward Features
North West Business Life Suggest Expert’s Advice Article
Lancashire Business View Forward Features
South East Business Forward Features
Comms Business Forward Features Calendar 2018
All these calendars are available online, so if you have a moment, find more of them, relevant to your industry. And if they are not online contact feature editors from the publications that you are targeting and simply ask. You’ll get the calendar, and create a new relationship with the press.

*Please note, all above are forward feature calendars found on the 6th of September 2018.