We now know Trump is going to leaving the White House … in January.
The Independent (and many other publications) reported that ‘Mr Trump has joked about leaving the country while talking about the prospect of his Democratic rival winning the upcoming election during his latest Make America Great Again campaign rally in Macon, Georgia.’
So where should or could he go?
Here at Shout Bravo, we delved into Google Trends data to see which countries searched for ‘Trump Moving’ and ‘Trump Leaving the US’ to see where do we worry the most about him arriving. And those countries that searched ‘Trump Hate’ or ‘Hate Trump’ the least – to see where he might be welcomed.
So what do the results say?
Those countries worrying about Trump moving the most
Google Trends data show that New Zealand searched for the term ‘Trump moving’ the most, perhaps worrying he might choose their country. This is followed by the United States, checking if that’s true? With Singapore taking third place, Ireland fourth, and Canada fifth place.
And those searching ‘Trump Leaving US’ since Trump announced he might do that if he does not win.
So where can he go?
The countries searching for terms such as ‘Trump hate’ or ‘Hate Trump’ the least are:

The 45th President of America might find it useful doing a bit of Google Trends research before making the ‘huuuge move’ decision.
We have used Google Trends to see recent global searches. Terms such as ‘Trump Moving’ and ‘Trump Leaving the US’ were looked at over the period of the last 30 days due to recent Trump’s comment about leaving America. Terms such as ‘Trump Hate’ and ‘Hate Trump’ were looked at over a period of 12 months.